What Conditions Do You Treat?

May 14th, 2019

The national average per session cost of physical therapy can range from $30 – $400. However, with a qualified insurance plan (in-network or out-of-network), once your deductible is met, your total out-of-pocket cost typically ranges from $20-$250. If you do not have insurance, you may pay between $50 and $450 per visit. However, your total physical therapy cost will likely be less than a costly MRI. One of the factors that drive prices up or down depends on your geographic area, the skill, and experience of the physical therapist, and the quality and type of treatment you are receiving.  In general, the more hands-on and direct contact you have with the therapist, the range is the type of procedures done in each visit you have with your therapist. To learn how to have success in physical therapy, watch this Free Training.